my christmas in pictures-- school parties!

oh what fun!  lots of smiles and lots and lots of ICING!!

December 25, 2009

wii suck!

seriously.  santa.
next time you bring us Band Hero for Christmas, can you include a little guy.  who is smarter than me.  who can tell us how to play it.  and use the microphone.
bah humbug.
wii suck.

December 18, 2009

a note to Mrs. Clauses everywhere...

Dearest Mrs. Claus...

thanks for caring about Christmas and giving joy to those you love!
thanks for planning and dreaming your December days!
thanks for shopping sales and TRYING to squeeze every bit of goodness out of your holiday budget!
thank you for listening and probing and trying to discover what will make each child's eyes glow with wonder on Christmas morning.
thank you for reaching out... for thinking of your friends, your neighbors, your extended family, the sick and afflicted around the world.
thank you for always wishing you could do more.
thank your for TRYING to create a home of peace amidst the Christmas chaos.
thank you for remembering the reason for the season, the little babe born in Bethleham years ago.
thank you for TRYING to keep things wonderful, magical and simple.
thank you for wishing you could give more when you hear the jingle bells of the Salvation Army.
thank you for the cupcakes, gallon of Orange juice, 22 stocking stuffers, 19 stocking stuffers, 24 stocking stuffers, teacher gifts, $5 for one pizza party, $2 for another, green tinted icing, cookies, that you send to school...
thank you for running to the store at the last minute when you forgot the chocolate milk.
thank you for packing suitcases (twice) for traveling...
thank you for smiling when you forgot the church shoes.
thank you for caring about christmas cards and christmas traditions.
thank you for TRYING not to be cranky when you're tired.
thank you for the 100 christmas parties that you did go to, with your little elves...
thank you for the line you waited in to see Santa Claus and Poncho Claus, even when the babies scream for 20 minutes after.
thank you for the tree sparkling and decorated... don't worry about the stockings that are lost.

and, even if your dreams are greater than your ability... that's because you care... and WISH you could do more.
(NOT because you didn't plan well enough.)
and, if your money runs thin, and Santa is cranky...
just know that it is because you think of everyone and you care.
you give your gold, frankincense, and myrrh and you would give all you have (and all you wish you had) to those you love.
christmas is magical because of what you've done, because of what you are doing, because of who you are.
Christmas morning will be magical.
and, your family is blessed by your efforts.
many are blessed by your efforts.

so, don't listen to the grinch who whispers in your ear that you aren't enough because you wish you could do more.
you are great.
and.  thank you.

with love,
the elves!

ps.  you might like this book, A bit of Applause for Mrs. Claus
’Twas the night after Christmas
and time for a pause;
Collapsed in the corner
Sat tired Mrs. Claus.

The stockings were crooked,
The house was a mess;
The tree had tipped over
She couldn’t care less…

December 15, 2009

it was a party!!

i'm spoiled.  we had a big house in michigan, great for entertaining (parents upstairs and the kids in the basement)... our texas house is small, and i've been scared to have over large groups.
but, we had  9 adults and 14 kids from PTA over tonight, and it was nice.  It was a bit crazy with kids OUTSIDE on the trampoline and slamming doors in the bedroom, but it was still peaceful and festive.
we had chili and brisket and rainbow cupcakes and pumpkin roll and soda in glass jars.  and, most importantly, really great people from my PTA Board.  love them and love their kiddos.
we let the kids make gingerbread houses... (all the parents cringed at the sprinkles!!)
it was so fun and the houses really looked great!
i  pre-made the houses and had tubes of royal icing for the house decor...
(wilton's merangue powder is the key to fast, easy, cement like icing-- thanks for the tip Grey!)
i gave each kid a little bowl and had them fill it with candy from the candy table...
the thing i liked about this is that we didn't have the major candy dumping that usually happens at the end... cause the candy was at a different table.

some funny things i'm still laughing about...
my friends are all good christian people.  but, we're the only Mormon.
--when my friend ended her prayer with 'in the name of the father, son and holy ghost' on her head and shoulders, my kids said, "Hey, isn't that from Nacho Libre"
--my mother-in-law saw my M wall on this blog, she asked, "What is M for?  Mormon?"  (Yes, her last name is also Moss).
--as Mormons, we don't use crosses.  We do believe in Christ and that he was crucified and resurrected, but we don't use the cross as a symbol of our religion... although, i do think there are so many beautiful crosses, especially here in Lubbock.  Ellie and I were in Hobby Lobby looking for M's, surrounded by crosses.  She said, "Too bad our name doesn't start with T, there are A LOT of good t's."

We love it here in Texas and are so grateful for good friends and good times.
i LOVE christmas!  thanks for coming to our party!
ps-- yes.  i did stay up after everyone was asleep to make MY gingerbread house.  you can't tell it apart from the kids, but i just couldn't let them have all the fun!!