June 05, 2008

Books-- I Hate Them and Love Them

Some days I'm grateful that I'm obsessive... I get a lot done.

Some days I hate it. Like today. I spent the morning with the kids, laid Leah down for a nap, and then spend the rest of the day finishing the book I got at the Library yesterday. It's not even an enjoyable, relaxing read. It's obsession... I have to resolve the conflict.

This book was about a girl who got raped, a mother who was having an affair, and an unhappy father who had an altogether hidden background identity. I like Jodi Picoult because she is intellectual. I can't guess the plot lines. But this book. I HATED!! When I was done reading it I yelled at my kids, ate chocolate and reminded myself what a boring life I had. Then I realized that I wasn't really depressed, I was just in a book funk. I HATE SAD ENDINGS!! I am banking on a happily ever after. It is such an ingrained part of who I am... difficult children, bad days, times of trial... I live my life knowing that in the end "All these things will work together for my good." I don't want to think about people with crappy lives who make crappy decisions and live crappily ever after... no matter how well the book is written.

Anyway, I do have a good Georgette Heyer book on tape that I'm going to listen to while I quilt tonight. Even though I can tell you the plot of everyone of her books (Rich Rascal falls in love with Poor Ravishing Beauty, he marries her despite her whit and lack of noble heritage). Good always wins out, women with a mind of their own are cherished, and of course there is that breathtaking kiss on the last page that makes me want to roll over and make out with my own dashing husband. And we all live HAPPILY EVER AFTER...


  1. I can totally relate! However, I'm a little more skeptical of the "happily ever after." At least I can still see the big picture.:)

    You and your family look wonderful. It is so good to hear from you and I love how comforting it is to be able to enjoy some of your great insight through "Moss Moments." I have missed that. And, seeing baby #6 on the way (someone we heard you talk about years ago) is amazing - what a blessing your family is.

    I look forward to new updates.

  2. I get into a real serious funk when I read a book that doesn't end well. I just read one because my friend really wanted my take on it. I hated it the whole time, but she has been so good to me that I thought I should at least finish it. so dumb. Now I know I don't like any of it, she really enjoyed it, and what do I tell her?
    Sure love a good book though (have you read Jane Eyre--so good!!)

  3. Horray for Georgette Heyer! I always clap and giggle a little at the end of each predictable but lovely heart fluttering story. yippee!


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