June 04, 2008

MMMM Mango

OK- I'll admit it, I'm from the North East and I have no idea how to eat a mango. We have managed to eat one before, but it was a mess. So, today I got a couple nice, ripe mangos from the store and I looked on You Tube for directions. This is my favorite.


I love to eat Avacados now that I know how to slice them in half and scoop them out with a spoon. Mangos are my new favorite. I completely felt like a chef flipping them inside out. Sometime I'm going to invite friends over and serve them a mango flower appetizer.

Mmmm.... Mango

1 comment:

  1. I learned how to peel a Mango like a banana for an Enrichment assignment I had to do. But now guess what? I think I'm allergic to fresh Mangos! Everytime I eat one my hands and feet get SOOOO itchy for half an hour.
    I hate getting older...weird things are happening.


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