June 13, 2008

Quilts Don't Have Legs...

Ruffly Capri's- Take ONE
i think i put the ruffles on the waist band, not the legs
seriously, now i know why quilts don't have legs

Ruffly Capri's- Take TWO

OK, i cut and re-sewed the ruffle, but i think i sewed the ruffle to one leg and one waist band...

it was late, but i really had to look at this mess for 20 minutes before i could even figure out which way was up...

Ruffly Capri's- TAAAH DAAAH!!!

i finished something that did resemble capri's about midnight... (if you zoom in you can see my ruffle mess, but it's not TOO noticable...)

now for the final test--- do they look like PJ's? are they too scratchy? are they ruffly pants?...

Ruffly Capri's- Mikey LIKES them!!

despite the face (which was because of the messy buns not the clothes) anna is happy about her new outfit...

it was worth it... maybe...


  1. Holy Cow! You've been busy!
    Super cute clothes. Sound like fun times!

  2. VERY cute outfit!!! And your girls looked darling in their skirts on Sunday--so fun!


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