July 23, 2008

ok sisters... let's vote

and, i love this flag table runner... so cute!! and EASY
(I just had to add this picture... if we did the goblins, this pillow kinda goes with it...)

OK- this is mainly for my sister-in-laws...
i'm trying to get a project together that we can do at our family reunion next month...

i'm so excited...
if none of these strike your fancy, i have 100 more ideas!!!

this is a halloween quilt that you would hang on the wall...
this is table runner called "from dawn to dusk"- so cute...
i LOVE this wall hanging, but it's a bit spooky...
this is a wall quilt- jingle all the way...
and, we could make that cute button snowman...
or, we could do some kind of bag...

ok- let me know what you want to do... so fun!!

don't vote based on what you think you can make, just what you want to make...


  1. everything is so cute!!
    I really like the goblin halloween one. It is fun and different--I don't have a lot of cute halloween stuff.
    I also really like the house and barn one! looks just like my dream house and barn!
    The bag could be fun and very individualized with colors each of us like--good for church and other things.
    Too many cute ideas, Jen.
    My vote is for goblins.

  2. I loved all of them as well! and I had voted for the Christmas thing until I saw the bag just a minute ago!!! I loved it!!!
    Anywho, I would be happy with any of those projects.

  3. Loved them all! I'd like to try either of the Halloween ones; however, I'll go with the majority...they're all cute! Net

  4. Mom wants to do the Halloween one with the three pumpkins and the kitty.

  5. You don't know my sewing skill level, Jen!!! I really liked all of them, but since we're just choosing one, I would go with the Halloween goblin hanging. I LOVE Halloween and my decorations are getting old and worn out. I also like the other Halloween hanging too.


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