July 12, 2008

a saturday for goals...

i had the kids each write 3 goals today... it could be anything from make cookies or write a song, to read a book or clean a window... their goals could not include playing gameboys or playing with friends...
this made for a fun day... we made sugar crystals (hopefully- they are still "growing"), sewed beanbags (the boys bragging about how fast they could sew by themselves on my machine), made a princess/dress-up tutu (the wedding veil had to be postponed to a later date)... and we got a pattern off the internet for a stuffed bird (Ellie spent over an hour stuffing the bird and sewing the tail closed). poor todd spent the whole day in the library.
i asked jakob if he learned anything accomplishing his goals... he said, "Yeah, i can make a beanbag by myself now." i asked him how that could help him and we discussed the possibility that he may one day find himself on a mission where little kids don't have any toys-- he would be able to sew them beanbags... i'm not sure that this could ever really happen, but hopefully they each learned something during this day of goals and random projects...

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