July 31, 2008

Yeah... I'm Cranky Today!
1- 3 hr OB appointment on Tuesday-- they measured my belly and said i was fine
1- 45 minute appointment for lab work on Wednesday-- they took 2 viles of blood (lost one so i had to get it redrawn at my appointment today)
4- pediatric appointments this morning (from 9:30am-12pm) 3 shots (Anna and Jakob) and my kids are all fine
1- blood doctor appointment today it maybe lasted an hour and a half... this is where i had to get my blood redrawn so they can match it for tomorrow...
110- dollars to fill my Suburban with gas after i ran out of gas today and Todd had to come rescue me
6- at least 6 hours of blood transfusions tomorrow while my kids are at friend's houses
1- one more doctor's appointment on Monday... this time it's with the dentist for a tooth that i chipped last weekend...
you probably don't want to call me today-- I'm CRANKY!!

1 comment:

  1. I don't blame you! I think I would feel overloaded on doctors visits too! It is always hard to wait in a doctors office, especially with kids. There usually isn't much to do and mine usually start climbing the walls :) Good Luck with the transfusions. When in Sept. are you due?


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