August 26, 2008

first day of school skirts...

My girls decided that they wanted something new to wear on the first day of school... so, we browsed through my fabric and came up with these lovely creations... i copied some skirts i saw on this website- here -- honestly, hers are still cuter (and, i love the quilt she made). i just measured the girls and cut rectangles of fabric-- smaller for the top and gathered for the bottom-- with an elastic waist. EASY!! I did have to alter them a few times, I tend to make them too big and had to keep cutting them smaller. Ellie cried because she wanted to wear her skirt again on the second day of school... they LOVE that the skirts are long. And, as i've told you before, my girls would wear a skirt everyday of their lives...

1 comment:

  1. Those skirts are so cute. One of these days I am going to have to have you teach me how to really sew. You saw what I did to that quilt, and I can't even imagine the damage I could do to something I actually wanted my kids to be able to wear. Very cute, Jenifer.


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