August 18, 2008

lotsa cousins...

waterpark anyone?


  1. Jen,
    It was awesome to get to know you better! you are a great woman and an wonderful mom!!! keep up the good work!!! and please let us know when Lucy, Sophia or Rose is born!!!
    love ya!!

  2. I can't believe you are already almost due! I didn't realize how long we've been gone. I'm totally jealous of your trip to Idaho (not the driving part though). Way to slide past the copper. Screaming kids are good for something! Good luck with the new baby!

  3. Oh my holy headache.

    Gotta love it.

  4. Miss you already!
    Totally lost it while you were pulling out!
    Wasn't that the best time with cousins--a few tense moments, but overall, wow!
    I keep throwing out my quilts just to look at them again--so fun!! (I'll get pics and send them to you soon).


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