October 11, 2008

blogs that make me smile...

This week I'm having fun with other Mormon Mom blogs. None of Your Beeswax posted some funny political shirts... this is my favorite. She also had a "Mormon's for McCain" with green Jell-O on it.
Random side conversation-- (Utah is the state with the highest green Jell-O consumption. Did you know that Mormon's even put shredded carrots in Jell-O-- for real! And, I think they count that as a vegetable!) Isn't it funny that I say "they" when I talk about Mormons... I do the same thing talking about Texas women... I am a Mormon in Texas and yet I have never put carrots in my Jell-O and, I'm not as super put together as most Texas women... so do I say, "WE even put carrots in Jell-O" or do I say "THEY put carrots in their Jell-O"??? Yeah, just remember I'm a convert, both to Mormonism and Texas. And, I love both... I'll let you know the first time I put carrots in my Jell-O, we'll have a party, me becoming "WE" with Utah Mormons. In fact, I'll invite you over, we'll have a casserole, green Jell-O, fruit slush, and funeral potatoes... Then, next week we'll have a "Howdy, I'm a Texan" party (The Professor really does say "Howdy" to everyone he passes at the store-- I think it's funny.) I'm still amazed that prairie dogs are real-- seriously, there is a little field by a park here and you see holes in the ground with little prairie dogs sticking their heads out and running around-- it's adorable. And, I still laugh when my kids ask if they can go play "in the desert" (the field behind our house). And, I still die of shock when our neighbor shows me the HUGE snake he found in the field behind our house and encourages me NOT to let our kids play there. Ohh, random. Anyway, so at our Texas party. I, of course, will look "done up". We'll eat queso-- (it's yummy, I just discovered it) and beef brisket, and beans-- you have to eat beans in Texas. We'll all make the guns up Texas Tech sign that it took me one year to figure out-- I could never understand why my kids would make sign-language L's in every picture. And, I'll become a "WE" with Texas women. End of Random Side Conversation...
OK... Todd and I just laughed and laughed about this blog about a Mormon 3 year old birthday party-- Ghetto Pinata... So funny!! And, I think this blog is adorable-- My Super Hopeless Romance... it's a blog about a girl who is in love with her best friend (a guy). Sooo cute... I have to check in with her nightly and I even prayed for her once. I know you're laughing, but sometimes I find myself praying for people in movies, at least this drama is REAL!!

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