November 05, 2008


Don't you want to see this quilt quilted?!
OK-this is my day so far...
-todd went to school early so i did the morning by myself -4 kids dressed, hair done, breakfast (cereal and english muffins), good morning devotional and prayer time -leah and lily woke up, we all got in the car and got to school before 8:05am -i pulled to the 4th grade door and jakob ran out with a field trip permission slip that he needed to return by today but forgot to bring home -home again, feed the baby, dress the girls, dress myself (i shower every other day) -eat breakfast (golden oreos, milk, Parmesan chicken from last night, english muffin) -quick straighten (while talking on the phone to Grey, Bliss and my mom) -vacuum, sweep the kitchen, mop the floor, get shoes and coats on the girls and get in the car (still talking to my mom- switched to cell phone) -park for play date and time for leah to enjoy the outdoors (i may have gotten the time wrong because Leah, Lily and I were alone at the park... it was windy, but still beautiful and fun) -home again, feed lily, eat lunch (leftover sweet potatoes, Parmesan chicken, apple cider) -read books to leah, lay her down for a nap, rock lily, lay her down for a nap -write out a list of quilts i have in progress (I count 11!!!) I decided to start with the ones that are the most done and work backwards... please help me to stay motivated to FINISH them... I'm REALLY itching to start some NEW projects and I'm trying to finish the old projects first... HELP ME! -SO, here i go... I'm finishing this quick blog post and then I'm going to finish quilting Todd's Texas Tech Quilt... I already took a picture of the top so it's not even that fun to finish up... but y'all be happy to see the finished quilt right?! READY, SET... SEW!! I CAN SEW AND HAVE A NEW BABY, I THINK I CAN, I THINK I CAN, I THINK I CAN....


  1. Yes you can! You are super mom!
    That quilt is beautiful. You amaze me! Do you think by the time I have 6 kids, if I get that far, that I will be as productive as you? Here's hoping!

  2. I know that life..... except for the quilting! The funny thing is I know that this was one of your less busy days!!

  3. This is my goal too. I have two quilts to get done before I start on Christmas projects. So I won't let you if you don't let me start something new! Great quilt & you even got money for it!

  4. You are superwoman!!! The quilt is beautiful....


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