January 06, 2009


So. Seriously. Don't come to my house right now. Why? You'd probably get thrown out. or Sent to Goodwill. or Redecorated. Cause its JANUARY and I'm Crazy into 2009... and I'm Sick of my house... and I'm Taking control of my life. This is my Year of CHOOSING. I'm CHOOSING to get rid of all the STUFF. I'm CHOOSING to simplify. I'm CHOOSING what my house looks like. I'm CHOOSING how I spend the minutes of my day. I'm CHOOSING to exercise. I'm CHOOSING to do family history. I'm CHOOSING to get all caught up with my pictures/scrapbooks for each kid. I'm CHOOSING to make more thoughtful purchases... buy what I want not just what's on sale. I'm CHOOSING to study more and take more time for myself. I'm CHOOSING to spend individual time with my kids. I'm CHOOSING the things I want my kids to learn and then CHOOSING to teach them. I'm CHOOSING to have more fun. I'm CHOOSING to just enjoy every moment of baby, toddler and school age children. I'm CHOOSING to appreciate and support Todd as he dedicates himself to his dissertation. I'm CHOOSING to nurture relationships with my extended family. and some days, I'm CHOOSING to stay in my PJs and play house with my babies all day long. I'm CHOOSING to ENJOY today and HOPE for a better tomorrow. Right now I'm in CLEANITUPANDSHIPITOUT Mode (I've actually been doing this for awhile now-- like maybe 10 years... but, I'm getting better and I'm just about there... i think i can...) I'm also in the middle of my second quilt for the big girl's room. See, I'm sick of pastels and going bright. I figure it's OK for me to redecorate my house every couple of years IF I use the stuff that I already have. So... I'm making these scrappy quilts that I think are adorable... Then I want to redo my bedroom and the boys' bedroom and get Leah into a bed and Lily into the crib in Leah's room. Then I'm totally going to get back into family history. My brother and sister-in-law are leaving Italy THIS SUMMER (maybe). I just have to go their before they leave so I can see the land of my Ionno heritage... I think I can raise the money for the ticket IF I sell some more quilts... So. I gotta go. I have MOUNTAINS of laundry to fold and put away... AND I'm totally going to get rid of half of my kids' clothes when I go put their clothes away because I'm sick of the mess-- WE HAVE TOO MUCH STUFF. And, now that they're in school I have free reign... oooooooo I just love loading up big black trash bags with bags of crap from my closets.


  1. YOu go girl!!! I am CHOOSING to call you tomorrow. I was on the phone all day! I want to hear about your Christmas! Have your kids played the WII every waking second since they got it??? Okay, so am I still a good mom?

  2. A time for resolutions. I love all of your "choosing". I think that is one of that biggest "aha's" of my life is knowing that I have the choice. What a blessing that is!

  3. You're such a rock star--love it! (And I love that your baby is still not even 4 mos. old and you're so on the ball!) Yay, you!

  4. You are about the only person I know that could set just one resolution with tons of mini resolutions to follow, and actually get it done!

  5. To quote Taneil "You Go Girl!"
    love you.

  6. As a fellow "Jenifer" I had to check out your post. Love the word - and you have a beautiful family!


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