March 28, 2009

oh. i'm a sucker...

Meet Snow and Skippy.
[edit-- skippy is now Scamper]
We found them.
(at a store)
They needed us.
They did this little wiggle nose plea... They cuddled right in to my arms like they knew me forever.
and, i just couldn't put them back with all the other mean ones.
I just couldn't.
The Professor was upset.
he may have accidentally used the adjective "Retarded".
Especially when he found out that the two bunnies we fell in love with happened to be one male and one female. :)
i think it sounds fun to have little bunny babies...
It's not my fault that he was at scout camp with the boys-- with an unreachable cell phone--
when the little bunnies started looking at me with their sad bunny eyes.
once the Professor found out that the pet store would pay us $7 each for every baby he has seemed to warm to the idea.
it's an investment.
The bunnies are to live outside.
And, not to come inside.
well, unless it's cold outside.
like today.
or, unless one of the kids really needs a bunny cuddle.
or, unless they seem lonely out there.

oh. so sweet.

every little girl needs some bunny lovin'

can you blame me for being a sucker?


  1. Jen,
    Just wanted to let you know, I love reading your blog! I love all the silly things you put up. I look forward to the next one!

  2. LOL, We got a cat while Josh was on his way home from scout camp last June. I tried to reach him by phone and he was out of range :)

  3. how adorable! We grew up with bunnies and it was so much fun! Besides the fact that the cage smells if you don't clean it enough, they are really easy pets for kids!

  4. Does it surprise me? No.

    Oh, Jen, never keep two rabbits at once. Even if they tell you they are both girls. The people that work in pet shops are just minimum wage high school students that probably barely passed Biology.

    They are cute though.

  5. but the poop, Jen. POOP.
    My kids need a pet, but POOOOOOP!

    And I'm allergic.

  6. Beware, we used to sell extra hamster babies back to the pet stores. But then the pet stores quickly reached saturation point, and the hamsters kept at it...


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