April 23, 2009

cause we all need a little cowgirl lovin'

My sweet cowgirl cousin Shelley wrote me this comment. I just had to pass it on!
Way to go JEN!!! I think you and I have the same problem! But I learned a valuable lesson and I can't remember if I shared it with you already...so I will just share it again. I really apply's to all aspects of life. So hear it is:
Jen, don't should on yourself! :D April 22, 2009 6:05 PM
thanks shelley!!!
and thanks netty for the GREAT cowgirl bracelets... i LOVE, love em.
taneil- thanks for spurs, and encouragement...
and thanks to all of you who have listened or read my LONG, self-focused blogs not really about house cleaning-- it really is a great motivator for me to follow through...
i hardly know what to do with myself today. it's a "choose your own assigment" day...
My goal is- PTA. cause i have a meeting this afternoon.
i would like to vacuum, cause it thrills my heart
and, perhaps, paint the BATHROOM.
:) I'll try hard not to SHOULD on myself.


  1. Your welcome!!! This is about as fun for me as it is for you. I actually jumped up and down when i got your message about getting your laundry done! Yippee-kia-aaaa!!! Your doing great!

  2. Love the quote Jen!!! It is something we should all have on our mirrors and our refridgerators!! You are great!!! Thanks for helping to inspire me also:)


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