May 11, 2009

NOT pregnant, but expecting.

ok. we're fixed. computer wise. it's all good... we LOVE spending money on technical stuff!! see my outfit? my sister-law, lanette, got me the shirt from di... it's a SHADE shirt. (i'd never heard of them...) it's cute huh?! i like it. mostly cause she thought of me, and sent it to me, and thought i'd love it. thanks netty!!! i try not to think that i'm the only female in the family small-chested enough to fit into it... thanks mom. see my jeans? they're from my sister. ok. i'm not sure that i'm young enough to wear jeans with holes that are supposed to be there. but, remember these arm warmers-- deep down i'm a yo mama... there is actually black lace behind the holes. cool. i know. so, i wear them with my shade shirt. i remind myself that i look cool- not pregnant and hip- not wannabe... and yes. that is crap in my garage... we cleaned our garage on Saturday, the day this picture was taken... no crap about my crap, ok? hmmm. i do say the word crap a lot. sorry. perhaps i should look for another adj.-- any suggestions? i'm still working on my trail ride... it's been life changing... i hope. and, i'm doing lots of projects because... we're expecting. a boy. a real boy. BUT. I'm NOT pregnant. my nephew, justin, is coming to live with us. my sister, his mom, is heading somewhere with the MARINES... they can't even tell her where because she's setting up a new base for the US and there are MANY terrorists that read this blog. many. so, due to national security reasons, all we know is she is shipping out. for 10 months. Add Image justin is adorable. he's turning 7 this month, he'll be in 2nd grade next year, with Anna. i'm changing rooms around and painting and planning... (because the poor kid is dealing with enough transition, you can't ask him to move into a blue room without a green stripe on it... i'm just trying to smooth the transistion, that's all.) duh. every little boy needs a green stripe on their wall. and. i'm actually getting excited for this summer. i found our summer theme... it's great. I'm SO excited... but, you'll have to wait, on pins and needles, to find out... i know. expecting is HARD.


  1. Glad to have you back. I know how it can be to be without a computer! Are you running around like a mad women with PTA, kids final performances, recitals, and just crap, I mean "junk"!:) Love your blogs they keep me thinking normal!!!

  2. Love the clothes and the huge stripe--I was picturing it a bit smaller, but I love it--so fun!
    So, what if I tag along for your summer theme (basically you tell me what you are doing each day and I copy if it works for me--smile!)?

  3. You crack me up, too. You are quite a witty writer :) I still can't believe you can fit into those skinny jeans after having 6 kids. In my dreams...maybe. But not anytime real soon. I love that big stripe :) I really need to do some painting at our house. I guess I can dream about that, too, but at least I have a color picked out. You've inspired me to paint my bathroom green, only not "here come the aliens" green like you claim yours is. I think even Matt likes it.

  4. Hey Jen,
    Wow that's big news about Justin. I know you will surround him with love. Please give Patti a big hug for me and tell her to keep herself safe.


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