June 19, 2009

camping anyone?

we had a fun backyard-camping experience last night. hobo dinners... stove roasted marshmallows... roasted starbursts... (tastes like fruit smoothies- thanks for the idea, taneil!) jiffy pop popcorn... and, camping in a HUGE storm...so fun. MOST of the kids made it all night... mom, lily, leah and ellie opted for inside beds!!!


  1. Roasted Starbursts? You can't blame that one on NJ!

  2. Yay! I am doing it! We'll probably have to do it in the rain too!!!

  3. I've decided that instead of feeling like a boring, loser of a mom when I read your blog, I am just going to copy all of your ideas the week you post them.
    My kids will think I am cool and my friends will say I am so creative and I will just bask in the praise. Thanks.
    And keep 'em comin'!
    love and smiles!!


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