June 04, 2009

crappy day?...

What do you do when you have a crappy day?
eat some baby.
of course.
chubby baby can make anyone smile!!
i'm so grateful for the nibbles of joy
that can brighten even the dumpiest of days...


  1. We may as well just email each other, since with our kids home we'll NEVER catch to each other!!!! Now I am really curious why your day was crappy!!!? Aren't you still trail riding? Or are you "being"!!!?? Miss you - talk to you soon!

  2. Yes, indeed, I have been having a crappy day...I guess I can say that, righ? Since my kids aren't reading this yet? It has continued from last night and a big hug from Aimee sure helped me feel better. She's such a sweetie when other people can be kind of mean sometimes.

  3. you are the queen of tricky misleading language. I am glad you "eat" your baby and not it's food- yuck!
    just so you know, we will probably be asking you to help us with housing ideas here in a few months. I am really getting excited to get to lubbock!

  4. Yummy, yummy baby! Crappy days are no fun...just had the other day, myself. Aren't you glad when they're over? Good luck...hope tommorow is better! Love you.

  5. she's beautiful...and hope your day got better..


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