June 23, 2009

i'd rather be quilting...

it's been a LONG time since i've heard the whir of my favorite machine... i've missed the bright colors, the cutting, the preciseness of one and a half inch strips. to enjoy the mindless motions that leave my mind unfettered and free to dream and create... i've been so disciplined this summer that it felt odd to remain in my pajamas until past lunch... there may be some disciplined creators out there. not I. to create, i must allow my children to be free and happy and creative in their own right... it's as if i enter a realm, and they, following my lead, are free to spend the day in their pajamas. they gravitate toward mess, and blanket forts, and weapons... but, their world is fun and cooperative. and, so it mine. the only problem... it's VERY addicting. i find myself rolling over in bed and wondering if it would be bad for me to start sewing at 2am? i wonder why i'm dressing, and brushing, and cleaning... when i wake and arise and see my kids happily playing, it takes a much greater amount of discipline to facilitate their chores and piano and dressing... i have to remind myself... i like order. i have fun plans for the summer. the kids really do need to get out of the house sometime. um. quilt days are fun, just not everyday. well... maybe every OTHER day. and, just a sweet little side note... This book, Once Upon a Marigold, by Jean Ferris, is SO cute. I LOVE IT. It is PERFECT for the magical, pajama days... i listened to it in my cd player as i sewed... when the kids came in to ask me for something to eat, they always lingered a bit... sucked into this cute, magical fairytale. It's a young adult, sweet, sweet story. Don't listen to Blessings, by Anna Quindlen... it sucks you in and then leaves you out in the rain... i HATE that. i started it on my way to ft. worth to pick up the kids and finished it while sewing... it left me in a junk funk... my book opinion-- 1. they should be rated. i hate not knowing that a book is R-rated till after i've invested hours into it... and 2. they should at least make an effort to leave you better for having read it. not necessarily always happy, but better. i hate the books with "and so life sucks" as the main moral-- even if they are beautifully written... like The Poisonwood Bible, by Barbara Kingsolver. It is lovely to read, but just leaves you down. i HATE that. (the bean trees, by her, was a better story, although not as well-written). my problem... in order to get sweet, uplifting, fun stories-- i have to sacrifice the quality of writing. "Christian Fiction" is a prime example. BLAH... but, it always leaves me feeling uplifted, hopeful and happier. Anyway... let me know if you've read a good book lately... i'm kinda craving some intellectual getaway time... but remember-- i'm a happy ending kinda gal.and, i was going to save this picture for a fun, wonderful post about todd, but, i can't. it's too funny. don't you love my STUD in all his father's day glory? (he actually wore this shirt to teach class...) oh, my funny, funny professor...

1 comment:

  1. Have you ever read The Education of Little Tree? That's a book I really love...oh, and a christian fiction author I really like is Deanne Gist. A long, interesting, part-true story (history lesson) is Katherine, by Anya Seton. It has a really interesting love story, it's fiction, but the characters are real and their romance is real (the Duke of Lancaster in the 1300's). There's a few suggestions if you haven't read them already! I'm so jealous that you already read Shannon Hale's new one. I'm 7th in line at my library for that one. Lucky you! Tell Todd, he looks so tough in that shirt of his! Love you.


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