July 08, 2009

sister moments...

last week anna and ellie were squabbling because they both wanted to clean out the bunny cage. justin rolled his eyes and said in exasperation, "I'm so glad i don't have sisters." yesterday, justin found the second reason he's glad he doesn't have sisters. DRESS UP. it's inevitable. most of the time he's the prince. but yesterday, he was the princess. (anna said it was actually his idea. she said he told her, "now you have to dance me like i danced you.") sisters!!


  1. That picture is so fun! I love the finish you chose!
    Girls. I must admit that with a house full of boys we sure do our share of dress-up.
    Love ya!

  2. Isn't there a picture exactly like this of my brothers and tiff, you and patty? How cute!


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