September 30, 2009

i'm gonna miss this...

love the lines...
love the eyes...
love the memories...
Today, Leah woke up early from her nap and decided to empty lily's dresser into lily's crib, while lily was napping. What a mess... and, what a FLOOD of memories. I've had toddlers at home before... I'm starting to remember the trouble they can get into during those quiet times when I think all is well. The second time around, it's just funny. I especially loved how easy it was to teach leah her mistake... i had her clean it up, without help. She just stuffed everything back into the drawer. Yes. it was still a mess. Nope. I wasn't even a little bit mad. Yes. she was traumatized... sobbing like I had beaten her. She was sure she needed help, which I only offered by way of encouragement and occasionally handing her a shirt... I'm pretty confidant that she won't try this again. Am I a bad mother when I take such pleasure in a child's agony? i know her pains were growing pains. FOR SURE, a calm consequence has much more teaching value than the sobbing, frustrated tantrums I used to throw when the kids made a mess. and they did make a mess!! oh, the memories.


  1. Thank you for the reminder, Jen. I am still working on the not freaking out part but I am getting better. I hope that someday I can feel like I really am a good mom. I have my moments but have so many things that I still need to improve.


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