October 24, 2009

creepy things going on...

isn't this picture funny?
i've been trying to make a blog header forever and i couldn't figure it out.
this time i just imported a picture into www.picnik.com and played with it... it's all free and it's FABULOUS!
when i went to SAVE the picture it has a place where it says the size... if i changed the pixels to 1175 width it automatically converted the height and when i entered it into my blog it was the right size.
(i didn't click shrink to fit and i did click use my picture instead of the blog title.)
seriously, i really don't know what i'm doing i do a lot of trial and error... but, give it a try.

i converted my blog to minima stretch.
it didn't mess up my past blogs at all, the only thing it messed up was my blog header and my background didn't work any more.
but... it's fun trying new things.
so, go ahead and give it a try.

and, enjoy our new halloween header.
(the extra kid is Justin, my nephew who spend the summer with us.  he's not with us anymore, but the picture was from the summer...)
happy days!

ODD NOTE- so, if I have my blog header 1175, it fits the box, when I see my blog with Mozilla Firefox search engine.  If I use internet explorer, my picture seems too big, unless it's at 1000.  So, now i have it at 1000... when you look at my blog header, does it fit the box, or can you see white spaces on the side?

1 comment:

  1. I can see the white spaces on the sides; however, the picture is so cute that I didn't even notice the sides until you pointed it out in your post. I figured out the minima stretch part, tried it, but reverted back to the old ways. It was worth a try, right? I love your halloween costumes. Everyone looks so great. I love the "Follow me" on your yellow brick road, and I love that Jakob is comfortable enough with his manhood to be the Wicked Witch. Did you guys do a trunk or treat at the temple? That looks like the temple in the background?


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