October 01, 2009

just fyi...

Motherhood is NOT for wimps! it's hard. I mean... REALLY hard.
you get organizational muscles... planning muscles... patient muscles... endurance muscles... kindness muscles... cooking muscles... cleaning muscles... teaching muscles... praying muscles... prioritizing muscles... relationship muscles... endurance muscles... endurance muscles... endurance muscles... seriously. we're ripped. see you later... i'm off to the GROCERY store... with two lists full of groceries and 2 cranky toddlers... because, I AM STRONG! (roar!)


  1. What an awesome post. Seriously, one of my top 5...no doubt.

  2. You know, looking at her face in the pic, I sometimes feel like I look like that. Like I'm about to break or completely lose it, but I'm trying desperately to smile so someone doesn't get hurt. So funny.

  3. Good luck to ya, Jen. I know how hard that can be!! I love your post...you always know just how to say things.

  4. Love the picture!!!! That gives me something to look forward too!


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