November 17, 2009

what's for breakfast, lunch and dinner?

breakfast:  we have oatmeal on monday, with fruit shakes.  i went to pour the fruit shakes into cups and realized i was actually pouring the fruit shake into the professor's oatmeal.  he ate it anyway.  ewe!

lunch: i love artichokes.  i know, weird.  i love them for lunch.  i just cook it in the microwave, in a bowl covered with Saran Wrap for 6 minutes.  mmm.

dinner:  tacos.  because we live in texas we eat lots of tacos.  ok.  here's my dumb moment.  i never knew you were supposed to COOK corn tortillas.  they always broke apart when i tried to eat them.  a friend of mine invited me over and i saw them fry their tortillas... light bulb moment.  mmmm.  real tocos.


1 comment:

  1. you make me smile :)

    another yummy option (and no oil)...soft tacos. use fajita-size flour tortillas. mmmmm. :) in fact, we're having them for dinner tonight!


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