December 13, 2009

we got pictures!!

these are from yesterday... aren't they fun?!!
i think heather was scared to take pictures of our BIG, CRAZY family... but she did a great job!!  She took over 700 pictures!  You can see her website here...

The kids were pretty good... and bribed with smarties and GREAT, BIG ice creams when we finished.
We took pictures in red and black up at Texas Tech so that will always remember our time here.
Go Raiders!


  1. awesome pictures, beautiful family!

  2. HOLY SMOKES, these are AMAZING!!!

    Seriously. Waaaaaay amazing!
    (Though I am sad to see no gang signs from Anna. *sigh* Maybe next year?:-))

  3. W-O-W! They look so good. I love them. That last one, Lily's eyes look so vibrant, so beautiful. I love Ellie's individual, too. They all look great. What a great place to take them. I bet you just love looking at them and looking at them, over and over again. She did a great job. Nice work.

  4. Those are super fantastic. Wow.
    Just adorable. I love the one witht he big wreath. Leah's pose is to die for. How fun!

  5. These pictures are so cute! ...its because your kids are so cute!! I love the outfits too, absolutely adorable!

  6. You will definitely treasure these!


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