March 16, 2010

10 inches.

Anna has been waiting a LONG time, to have hair 10 inches long!!
She was SO excited to donate to locks of love.  (find out about it here)
 I like to imagine some cute little girl wearing anna's hair...
i've heard it said, 
if you can't do great things... do small things in great ways.


  1. That is so awesome. Tell Anna how proud I am of her and that she looks absolutely RAD in her new "do."

  2. My daughter Hannah is doing this same thing. Hers is only 7 inches right now. I'll have to show her this post so she'll be even more excited. I love Anna's new short hairdo.

  3. That is a wonderful, selfless, cool thing she did. One of our good friends in Boise (she was 12 at the time and thankfully made it through) went through leukemia last year and lost her hair and benefitted from someone who donated their locks. Her new 'do looks so cute!

  4. what a neat thing to do. i bet that was hard! but you look FABULOUS anna

  5. Great job Anna! My girls have donated their hair before too. It's such a neat thing for them to be able to do.

  6. Good job Anna!!! I am so proud of you!!! and by the way, you look awesome with that haircut!

  7. Well,Anna is my sister.And her hair is cute.My grandma had canser.And she had to get a wig.And she was so happy.Anna looks a litlebit like me,ecsept shorter.

    or hat


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