April 18, 2010

classic with a touch of trendy.

one of my favorite things to do is go thrift store shopping with my sister in laws (we missed you gaby)...
Rexburg, Idaho (a college town) has the BEST DI, because there is a good mix of real thrifty (from the old folks) and last season trendy (from the college kids)...
with my sister in laws i can really discover who i am-- style wise.
especially when i see who they are- and how uniquely different they are.

they say, i am classic with a touch of trendy.
and i like that.
i'm also the sister in law that gets handed all the cute shirts no one else can button across the chest 
(if you know what i mean) that's ok... i don't mind their thrifty cast-offs
i really liked one old, 70's, secretary style shirt that i found,
this baby is authentic 70's.
it seems hand-stitched to me, but it has a tag in it so i don't know...
the consensus was that it could be cute with the right outfit and i decided to splurge
$2 later it was mine.

i couldn't stop thinking about this shirt.
wondering, could i really pull it off?
would i ever dare?
the answer.
i did it.
i wore my secretary shirt today, and i (mostly) loved it.
there were a few times i wondered what i was thinking as i could sense someone's lower drifting stare...
i had a hard time deciding what to wear it with, to tuck or not to tuck...
and.  the professor was no help.
he kept laughing and asking if i really was going to wear that...
and telling me i totally looked like "That 70's Show."

someday, i will be able to wear DI ruffles and NOT need to blog about it...
but till then,
and for the sake of my sister in laws,
i will share my triumph.
(not the best pictures, but you get the idea...) 
anyone up for a trip to goodwill?
i think i'm just getting my groove on.  :).


  1. oh my SO cute Jen! You totally pull it off!

  2. I completely love it! It works beautifully!

  3. I thought it looked really cute :)

  4. I was admiring that shirt all through church. You would pay a ton of money to get that exact same shirt at a designer store today!

  5. Its awesome, you totally pulled it off!!!

  6. AWESOME! Love the whole outfit, and the shirt completely MAKES it! But it's YOU who makes the outfit look amazing... you are one hot mama. (And the professor is SO lucky!)

  7. why didn't you mention your tights in this post. they are amazing! You look so anthropology. and yes, we should do some thrify shopping together. FOr what i have seen, the wolfforth goodwill and the one on the spur are the cleanest and happiest with the best overall selection. maybe i will have to pick you up some evening for an hour of shopping... also, this wed. i would love to do the temple with you. i could even do 8. ----oh wait, i forgot, we aren't in the same ward anymore-i guess we have to wait to hang out until i move into your ward ( or you into mine)

  8. Love the shirt and Love Rexburg's DI! I've been lucky to find $2 Keen shoes there for my kids that run for $40+ everywhere else! Goodwill just can't compare!

  9. Holy cow, girl! Love it. LOVE IT. You look so freakin' cute. And the tights...the tights! Jen, you are so fun. An outfit triumph, to be sure. I'm proud of you for sticking to your guns and just DOING IT. You look fabulous.

  10. Love the whole outfit! You make one rocking secretary!


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