May 04, 2010

after school.

posters for sale.
only $3.
what's $3 when you are saving the earth?
 This is my favorite--
Want to die?  Litter.
Want to live?  Don't
and illustrated-- die- Heaven- with Snow (our dead rabbit)
not die- the smiling girl and the living lady bug.
what more convincing arguement is there?
Don't Litter or you will DIE.
the end.


  1. Hahaha - crackin' me up! Love the "Die...Not Die". Hope the sale was successful!

  2. Too cute! She's been quite a busy girl.

  3. I was confused there for just a minute because having cats made me think of kitty litter...I have a menopausal brain, that is my excuse!!

  4. heehee so cute! How much money did they make!!!?? You should have paid your neighbors to come and buy them! :)

  5. Methinks there were a few green lessons taught at school during "Earth Week" last month, no?

    Too cute! She's very convincing!

  6. Look at that vigor? Seriously, that is too cute. I think Ellie's gonna be a writer someday...she's writing all the time! Or a political activist. Personally, I'd take the writer:).

  7. Hehe...that just made my night. Can I just say I love this kid?!


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