May 15, 2010


how about these chair covers?
they look easy to remove when we have friends with messy kids (rachel or becky) over for spaghetti...
easy to wash...
my kids NEVER spill...
i think they are just fabric with no pad underneath- easy huh?

and, i do remember when i was picking out my crib for jakob that my wise (and wealthy) friends (Covey's, Daine's and Anderson's) all told me to get white.
When i was picking colors for my Michigan house they said go white...  i didn't listen.  i thought wood was better.
i remember wondering why everyone wanted to paint their wood.

now, i understand.
and... i'm not sure if it is current trends, or my age, but i like the consistency of white.
i think i could do white, even if hunter green and magenta come back in...
different shades of brown (especially my cheap laminate pieces) are REALLY not cute.

check this out...
(oh those candle holders... see how they melted one candle to make them seem different heights... love it.)
i'm desiring a cuter way to display my thousands of books...
my SIL, lanette, has a great hutch-thing in her entryway with lots of books...
 i wonder if i could find some big, ugly entertainment center thing and paint it white and stick tons of books in?
like this...
can't you see this in my bedroom full of books?
oh to dream, to dream...

ps.  guess what the professor is doing this morning (and last night)?
yup.  finishing catching fire-- book 2 of hunger games.
he says, not as good as the twilight series.
he wants more words... i love how she says more with less. 
(he's so funny with my YA books.)


  1. sister Moss!

    I love reading your blog! Its adorable! :)

    Hope all is well with your family!

    Love you!


  2. You are too funny. Did you figure out your little jars? It really wouldn't have been a problem, actually a nice distraction.

    I like white, too, and WE have a white crib, and lots of white furniture in the kids' rooms. I like that it makes a messy room look a bit cleaner, if you know what I mean.

  3. haha. hope you get a lot done these last couple weeks. i LOVE your throw pillow idea sheet. really cute. and we will find that book case for you. i will make it my personal mission. p.s. i have been thinking about a certain yellow grandma rocking chair for a couple days now. I might just have to go get it and put it in my girls room. we will see how my self control hold out


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