June 05, 2010

bad mom.

only someone from texas knows that this can happen even when we apply sunblock.
missed the edges (and wedgies) on leah...
missed  the back on ellie...
oh, bad, bad mom.
don't worry... i'm sufficiently punished.
thank goodness we have aloe vera, solarcaine and empathy.


  1. oh, ouch.

    I just took the girls to the park, thinking we'd go early before it got too hot and we still got burned.

  2. ouchies. I'm so sorry! what lake did you guys go to?

  3. ouch! poor little girls!!!
    (Jen, I don't think you should post these kinds of pictures if anyone can look at them).

  4. OOOUUUCCCHHH!!!!!!! But, a bad mother this does not make, you might be human though...

    Thanks for the idea of the trigger things I have a lot of spray painting to do and I'm glad I can spare my pointer finger all that stress and pain :D

  5. We sure did have fun at the lake. Don't feel bad my kids are sunburned too. They a great time and keep asking me when we get to go back.

  6. aww those poor girl... ur are FARRRRRR from abad mom BUT there are wonderful sun block sprays that i use like misqito (mispelled) spray and it never misses a spot it is way awesome!!!


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