July 13, 2010

it's that time of year... the professor is applying for teaching positions at universities across the country.
south carolina.
some in texas.
and this is only the beginning...

i love this country.
i know i can be happy anywhere.
but I HATE transition, change, saying goodbye.
i feel like we will be saying good bye for a year.
i try not to think about it, but it is there.
seeping into my thoughts.
i forbid myself from looking at university websites or real estate sites, until we have an actual offer.
but... i do find myself ALMOST looking.

{i took these pictures out of my car window on Saturday... we were driving back from Post- about 40 minutes outside Lubbock.  have i told you lately that i really love lubbock?}


  1. You can come to Oklahoma... We would welcome you here with open arms! :) Good luck with the applications and interviews and everything else he has to do!

  2. Jen, I also promise that I will NOT look at realtor.com until I have an offer. Deal? You have inspired me to focus on getting this dissertation DONE!

    Love you...


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