August 24, 2010

another first.

and so 2010-2011 begins.
we got home late last night and registered the kids this morning.
i LOVE being home.
my home is my peace... how i miss her when we are gone.
it is SOO good to be home.

i DON'T love starting this new school year a step behind... 
missing the real first day of school yesterday... 
not being able to find the last of the school supplies my kids needed for today (target doesn't have dividers or plastic folders with brads)...
not having gone to back to school night to unpack all their supplies BEFORE the first day of school...
and the worst-- dropping of my middle schooler without having practiced and rehearsed opening lockers, finding classes, etc. 
um.  not lovin' middle school yet.

we had a good morning.
my kids were giddy with anticipation.
i LOVE my elementary school.
we are known.  we were missed.  i saw sweet friends in the hallways and i handed my children into the arms of great teachers- fellow mothers who will love and teach them better than i can...
my kids have GREAT teachers.
i'm pretty insistent that they get the best.
i LOVE school. 
i feel excited and peaceful saying goodbye to my little ones.
Ellie- 2nd grade with Mrs. Smith
Anna- 3rd grade with Mrs. Hines
Drew- 5th grade with Mrs. Bevly

my oldest, Jakob, starts middle school today.
he's all alone.
the only other time he went to school without another sibling was kindergarten.
i felt the same nervousness...
i'm confidant that he'll do well-- he is a GREAT kid.
but, i cried as he walked into his first period and i walked the hallway away from him.
we did take some time to walk the halls and find his classes.
Jakob- 6th grade at Terra Vista Middle School

(um... no, i wasn't about to let him wander the halls on his own-- despite the secretary's assurance that it was an easy school to navigate.  i wasn't worried about HIM, i was worried about ME... can you imagine the horrid day i'd have imagining him lost his first day of middle school??  i wanted to introduce myself.  "Hello middle school, my name is Jenifer Moss.  I am the mother of 6.  I am involved.  I am protective.  I am kind.  Please let me parent and I will support you teaching.  Today, Jakob is a bit nervous about his first day of middle school, and so am I.  I will not leave him with you until the moment that I feel he is ready to go.  I did the same thing in pre-school and he is a very well adjusted 11 year old.  Thank you.")
he was late for his first period, but it was worth it.
we drew out his walking route on his map and made an index card of Gold day and Blue day.
we found gym and band and GT and lunch.
i felt him near me as we walked around, nervous but brave.

just last week Jakob jumped off a bridge into a river with my older cousins.
he went second and wasn't even scared.
he's growing up.  he's brave.
i'm proud of him.
but, i still cry for my little guy that is growing
how i will miss him.

he has a love note tucked in his lunch.
but no nail polish.
on the first day of kindergarten i painted one nail green so he could always see it and know that i was thinking of him.
i sure love that big/little guy.

How i will miss all of them...

but, i will enjoy going to the GYM again...
FINISHING my laundry...
QUIET afternoons...
having a house of ORDER... oh how i love structure. LOVE it and NEED it.
scripture time, oatmeal on Mondays, cream of wheat on Tuesdays, early bedtimes, homework, soccer, dance, music...
and before we know it Fall and Halloween and sweaters.
life is good.

now... time to UNPACK.

it's so good to be HOME!!!
i missed you...


  1. JEN! I'm so glad you're back. It was great to see you in the hall this morning - even if only for a second. You WERE missed. :) Reading your blog always makes me think of all the things I WISH I had painting one of J's fingernails b/c he was sad to leave me the fact that I forgot my camera on the first day and have no teacher pictures. Love that you walked Jakob to find all his classes. And so happy that my two are in class with 2 of yours this year! Hopefully that means I'll be seeing a lot of you! :) Will you be at PTA tonight?

  2. And I LOVE that you are back, too! I know you guys need the gramma/cousin/Idaho time every year... but for me, I hate when you are gone & I can't get my Jen fix!!!

    I don't even know how you made it through the middle school thing... I am DYING about sending Holly next year!!!

  3. I had a slew of old students who were going off to middle school visit me at Back to School night. I let them know that if they watched, "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" it would tell them all they needed to know about middle school.

    Glad you were kind of able to let go...

  4. My oldest started high school this year but I wasn't nearly as nervous as I was when he started middle school. I guess for me it was just having him go from one teacher to eight. I am not sure though. I am glad that he did ok and I hope that all of your children have a wonderful school year!


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