September 01, 2010

dear todd,

just thought i'd let you know...
i bought this.
{from here}
i love it.

i needed it.

so, thanks for working hard each day, so i can spend your money.
love you!

i kind of bought this too.

for the kids.
because of shipping...
buy more save shipping later...
and... now i'm done with my first of the semester, we just got our student loan, spending spree.
love you!

pps.  No, the professor is not a money dictator.  It's just that i've needed a few things the past few days, and he's been very understanding, and i don't want him to think i'm taking advantage.  i do try not to buy stuff.
but, as students we are poor all summer long, and then when school starts we get a big chunk of student loans and it is so hard not to buy a few fun things... but, now i'm done.  really, really done.  and very happy.


  1. i love both of those! I always love getting the feed from her etsy shop. Bright and cheery!

  2. dear jen,

    i LOVE that you care so much for our family and our home! i LOVE that you are always looking for ways to BECOME more than you currently are. you are an example to me and if a few eetsy pictures help then it's worth it. just leave me enough money to buy that new jump drive that I need to store my dissertation data. :)

    love you!

  3. Oh boy, do we remember those days! Matt and I got a good laugh out of this post.

  4. Totally funny! And Todd, may I recommend a back-up jump drive, also, just in case a kid decides to, oh, I don't know... BREAK the drive w/your data! (b/c it costs about $900 to recover the data, plus shipping to & from CA, if your kid breaks it... just FYI:-))


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