December 18, 2010

7 days till Christmas...

Operation CLEAN la CASA.
company comes tomorrow.
my house needs lots of lovin'
my kids woke us up at 6am.
in my next life, i'm ordering kids who sleep in. 
hope your day is MERRY!

NOT a merry morning at my house... after i wrote this blog, we tried to inspire the troops.
the troops were lacking.
we were not so christ-like in our technique.
blah to messy kid rooms... i hate them.
especially when i care about under the bed and in the corners and clean windows...
yes.  today, i wanted my windows shining...
is that too much to ask?
the professor helped the girls clean their room. 
is it funny to you that when i walk into a room he had dubbed "clean" i still think it is a MESS?? 
really.  not just a few things missed, but a whole closet that is shoved full of random things they didn't want to put away.
because i'm a nice-ish wife, i only HUM to him this song while i finish cleaning the room...
Agatha Fry, she made a pie
And Christopher John helped bake it
Christopher John, he mowed the lawn
And Agatha Fry helped rake it
Now, Zachary Zugg took out the rug
And Jennifer Joy helped shake it
Then Jennifer Joy, she made a toy
And Zachary Zugg helped break it

And some kind of help is the kind of help
That helping's all about
And some kind of help is the kind of help
We all can do without
but really, i need his help... and i know he isn't the one that made the mess.
i guess i should accept by now that when it comes to home labor, i am the quality control and he is the brawn strength.  :)
plus, i'm kinda cranky because we moved rooms around last month because my mom was coming to live with us... and, she didn't stay long.
so now, i have bedroom craziness, an extra double bed that i don't need and a room we're not using.
with 3 kids in each of my other rooms and little girl clothes half in the boys room and half in the big girls' room.
and, books galore... we need to get rid of some books or buy a new shelf...
and... it's not even Christmas yet...
seriously... january is clean out the house month.  if i can wait that long.
Our "grandma room" will be good for the holidays, but after that i'm rearranging...
love it.
please call me in january.  i have to talk on the phone while i work or i'll be a big CRANK.
phone/clean the house date... january.


  1. We're cleaning today too.
    No company, yet. just a clean house.
    love it.

  2. That poem was made into a song on the Free to Be You and Me album. I sing that one with my class, too. I love it…

    Hope your guests are good guests!


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