December 30, 2010

james 1:5- religious art for boys...

Yes, I'm organizing.
But, I'm not an organized soul.
I'm a creator.
So, yesterday... I made this poster.  For my boys room.
I'll show you it all done up when I pick it up from Sam's club.
(I printed out the top one for my boys... it seemed more boy.  But, I really like the bottom one.)

Fun, huh?

[easy- i just made a black .jpg and uploaded it to picnik where i cropped to 8x10 for a 16x20 poster and added text.  it was quick and fun.  And, i'm so sick of thinking of ideas and NOT doing them.  just do it.  i tell myself.  and i did.]


  1. I LOOOVE this! Ok, I'm computer illiterate...what does "I made a black .jpg" mean? How do you do that? And, I use picnik for editing photos and doing my blog header, but what does it mean to "crop to 8x10 for a 16x20 poster"?

  2. I use power point. I made a big black box, covering the whole page and then pushed print. One of the options we have where i select what printer I want to use is an image writer printer. It doesn't actually print out things, it just converts my page into a jpg or picture file. So I selected PRINT, with the image writer and then selected jpg. The result is a plain black "picture". I saved it in my picture file.

    Then, I opened Picnik. I uploaded my plain black picture and i went to CROP. In CROP you have some options... manual, square, 5x7, 8x10. I selected 8x10... because I have a 16x20 frame that i want to use. I knew 8x10 would be the same dimensions.

    Then I went to I think it's CREATE... the place where you can add text. I just added a different line of text for each part of my scripture. I fooled around with different fonts and sizes till I liked it. I saved it on my hard drive.

    I went to Sam's Photo online and I uploaded the picture again- to print. I even selected pay when I pick up at the store, so I din't need to enter any credit information. Let me know if this makes sense.

    If you don't have an image writer printer, i'm sure you can find a black picture online that you could write over... or, i'll email you my black jpg.
    Hope this helps!!

  3. Yay! Thanks for the detailed info. (You know I have to have step-by-step instructions. I'm green. Or is that a gold thing?) I'm going to try it - I'll let you know how it goes!


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