December 11, 2010

candy wreath.

i finished my wreath.
and, i love it.
(this was where i got the idea from...)
it was not hard to make... fast and fun.
especially because i could make it while i watched Psych.
i just needed one box of these (from Sam's)
and lot's of glue sticks...  i ran out and sent the professor to the store to get more "big glue sticks"
he's very helpful.

before nap time, my little girls decided to peel off some candy to eat...
here are their piles.
it wasn't hard to fix.
hot glue is my favorite this year.
i also hot glued plastic snowflakes to all of my windows...
see my hot glued snow flakes... they're hard to take a picture of, but cute.
i love them.
i need to go back to Wal-mart to get some more to glue to my bathroom mirrors.
and the hanging snowflakes-- darling.
i hammered tacks into the top of my door to hold the fabric and the ribbon...
painless and festive.
now my kids will know we have a Christmas house.

hope your weekend is merry!!


  1. so cute! i love the ribbon too!


  2. AHHHHH!!!!!!!
    That is supposed to be at my house!
    I must make one--oh the happies it will produce.
    *I literally screamed that I-have-to-have-one AHHHH!
    I just might keep mine up all year round. (how long did it take you?)

  3. That is SO cute, Jen. I could see my kids eating tons of the peppermints before I could get them glued on- I'd probably have to buy TWO containers just to have enough ☺

  4. I love this! I wish my front door wasn't red and exposed to the elements. I'll have to file this one away for future Christmases!

  5. it didn't take too long... maybe 2 hours of tv time. i NEVER got sick of it, and i didn't burn myself... honestly, fast and easy and fun the whole time.

    i actually did buy two containers of those peppermint treats-- and, i've been putting them in mason jars around my house... SO CUTE.

    and Nat, i was wishing my door was red the whole time i was making it... but, not sure how peppermint would hold up in a rain storm! may be you could laquer it:)

  6. I love your wreath. It turned out so cute. Do your kids keep asking to see if they can eat it? Love the idea.

  7. Love this idea! Decorating with candy is so much more fun. And adding the fabric behind it makes your wreath all the more chic.

  8. I love the wreath, and the ribbon you put with it.

    I know what you mean about the value of the hot glue gun, I use mine almost every day (mostly to put back together broken toys).

  9. Now I want to drive up to your house (wherever it is) just to lick the front door.

  10. Your wreath looks like it should be on the cover of Better Homes and's beautiful!

  11. what a FUN and YUMMY idea! come on over and link up to MMM :)


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