December 31, 2010

leather couches.

we have leather couches.
and, sometimes they drive me crazy...
like when the kids scratch pictures on them with their nails...
or put boogers on the arm...
or when i can see the arms or cushions are fading.
I dream of covering them with WHITE slip covers.
But, my bigger dream is buying new white couches like this...

for my living room.
and, keeping my leather couches for my family room.

Anyway, the arms were fading... and i have conditioned and cleaned but it doesn't help the fading.
So, yesterday I took my husband's shoe polish and polished them.
yes.  I rubbed the arms and cushions with shoe polish.
And, i love the difference it made.

I'm not sure this is what the manufacturer would recommend... but it works for me!!


  1. wow, it looks great! I never would have thought of that!

  2. We have leather, and I thought of doing that, but I have been scared to try... have you had any problem with the polish rubbing off on clothing?


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