February 12, 2011

sweet, sweet baby...

oh my!!
i had another ultrasound today and i'm DYING...

this baby is SO, SO cute!
i can't wait to hold her and snuggle up with her and get to know her.
honestly, THIS is why i have so many kids.
i LOVE them.
i love babies.
i love my cute toddlers.
i love my emotional bigger girls.
i love my funny pre-teen boys.
(today, i'm SURPRISING my bigger girls with a trip to see Justin Beiber's movie... 
they'll be SO excited!! 
I am so excited!!)
i can't think of anything i'd rather be doing with my life...

the professor and i bought some fresh bread, a lobster tail and a clump of crab legs from a local grocery store. 
we had them cooked for us, and brought them home for a fun, inexpensive, DELICIOUS, lunch.
the whole time at the store, my lily was sucking her thumb with her other hand on her forhead (just like the ultrasound pictures that we had shown her.)
she kept saying, "see, i baby."
my leah kept telling everyone who walked by, "my mom got pictures of the baby in her belly..." 
which was fine because i loved an excuse to show them off.
while we were sampling the fresh bread, a sweet hispanic woman came up to me with both hands on my belly and asked when i was due.
i LOVED it. 
she was darling and i was so excited to tell her about my 5th baby girl and show her the pictures.
nope, i don't mind at all when people touch my belly... i think it's sweet.

life is good.

and seriously, isn't that the cutest ultrasound baby you have EVER seen?

we are so blessed.


  1. Jenn, oh my gosh these pictures are adorable...you almost make me want to get pregnant again so I can see some of my own...almost... She is going to be a beautiful little girl. I love the pictures of her sucking her thumb with her other hand on her forehead!

    COngrats again!

  2. You sound so happy, lots of love from England. It's a sweet pic. Sucking her thumb is sweet. Joey was giving us the finger in his (and also rubbing his feet together, a family trait on our side)...

  3. Aren't the 3D ultrasounds amazing?

    I am so glad that we get to meet her before you move.

    Lily is cute, pretending she's the little baby. Aimee has been the most involved in my pregnancy- singing songs and kissing the baby. It's so adorable. I can't wait to see how she reacts to having a little sister after having been the youngest for almost 4 years.


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