March 30, 2011

aunt patti.

it was SO fun to have my sister visit...
isn't she cute?
although she didn't get to meet her soon to be newest neice, we decided it was good, because she really got to know my other kids.

I think much of our life we have felt very different from each other.
This week, we could see just how similar we are.
ESPECIALLY when it comes to parenting and loving kids.
I LOVE when other people LOVE my kids.
And, my sister-- she loves them just like I do.

So, I'm missing her these days, but looking forward to many more visits in the future.

And, my mom decided to come by for a visit while Patti was here...
Her schedule opened up a bit and she decided to stay till i have this baby.
So, I will have family here after all!!

Yes, I'm still pregnant.
I really don't believe I can be pregnant for much longer-- my body is about to explode with baby.
I'm more determined than ever to NOT be induced.
I know, you might think I'm dumb...  but, if the doctor can't show me a very real risk, i'm determined to wait it out.
IF i was going to get induced, I should have done it 3 weeks ago.
Now, I've waited this long, what is a few more days??


  1. You are amazing, Jen, and I so admire that you are willing to stick it out, to deal with the discomfort and frustration and still smile about it. Only a couple more days until Friday and you can do it if anyone can. I don't know if I could.

  2. You may have said something about this before and I possibly missed it, but have you talked to your doctor about different ways of induction besides pitocin? I think pitocin is one of the biggest risks when doing a VBAC because it causes unnaturally strong contractions. You may have already done everything possible, so feel free to ignore this, but I'd have your doctor strip your membranes first. I'd also look into a chiropractor or acupressure to possibly kick things into gear. Those are all safer routes than Pitocin if it comes down to that. Like I said, you may have tried everything and are tired of getting suggestions, but if you need anymore, let me know. I've got a few up my sleeve.

    I love that you're staying so strong! You are so great! And you look wonderful! Your family is lovely, and I'm so glad your mom will be there with you to help.

  3. Your sister is so adorable!
    She looks so "grown-up" from how I remember her.
    I am really glad that you got to enjoy time with her and that she got the chance to know your children!
    She will know "Baby Eve" soon enough--we are all aching to know her, though none of us quite so much as you! hee, hee

  4. You are beautiful. Hang in there, she has to come out sometime! :) I'm glad your Mom is there to help you out!! You can do this!!! I'll pray you go into labor soon. Love you girl!!


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