April 13, 2011

meet tom.

dear world-- meet tom.
 tom is our dog.
yes, we have a dog.  
i think.

we didn't choose tom.
she chose us.
yes, tom is a girl.

two weekends ago (when i was still pregnant) the kids saw a car push a dog out of it's door.
or so they say.
and that dog, followed them home.
(sing Annie's "Dumb dog, why are you following me...")
we called the pound.
the pound doesn't pick up on the weekends unless it's an emergency.
Monday morning, the professor and i left early for the hospital.
we had a baby.
we came home and found this...
tom had moved in.
(drew was home sick with strep-- tom nursed him back to health.)

the problem is, tom is no trouble.
she just lays at the kids' feet.
she NEVER barks.
she goes potty outside.
she doesn't scratch or chew or shed.
she lets the kids pet her and dress her up and cuddle with her.
she's old.
we're afraid that no one would pick her up from the pound.
we keep looking for lost dog signs, and checking the lost section of craig's list-- nothing.
yes, it's funny that we have a new dog and a new baby in the same week-- but honestly, tom has been a GREAT playmate to my kids when i'm nursing or busy with the baby.
and so it looks like we might have found ourselves a dog.
well, really Tom found us.
and i'm thinking she might be a part of our family for a long time.
can you believe it?!  
dumb dog-- with those big puppy dog eyes... 
"keep me" she's begging??!!
oh, what have we gotten ourselves into?


  1. Wow she looks sweet I guess she was ment to be yours. Keep posting pics of Eve too I love looking and getting my little newborn fix.

  2. Awww, she's adorable! Love the pic of her on the bed with Drew. Too sweet. :)

  3. How sweet is that?! It doesn't sound like she will be much trouble. How could anyone abandon such a sweetheart?! Glad she found a good home where she'll be loved.

  4. hahahaha. i somehow knew that you wouldn't part easily with that dog. She is really lovable. ANd i think she did choose you. just adding more love to the pot

  5. You may want to take her over to Petsmart and have them scan for a microchip. Then you can find out if it is a lost dog that someone wants back or what. If she has a chip she would be easy to give back. If she doesn't then I guess a new dog! But Petsmart should scan her without a problem.

  6. HA! That dog must have see you guys coming a mile away... new baby, parents away, easy as pie!

    You have to admit, she is pretty cute though. Tom.

  7. I love that story--she really is the sweetest-looking Tom-girl!


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