July 27, 2011


i enjoyed a lazy morning...
i'm lazy because--
i have a baby.
(oh, how i love to love a baby-- unless i'm trying to get something DONE.)
i don't want to unpack or pack again.
(we're leaving for a weekend trip and i have packing and laundry calling my name...)
the oregon weather makes me feel like it's a perfect day to relax.
my big kids LOVE the cosby show and would watch it all day if i let them.
(i love listening to them laugh!)
i don't have a car to go anywhere.
i don't really know anyone here.
i have cute toddler girls who make me laugh... all the time.
(i could listen to them talk all day long.)
i'm reading Pride and Prejudice, and i love it.
my kids borrowed this game where you put on these headphones and use your brain to make a ball move through an obsticle course... it's totally addicting- and, my brain hurts.
my house is bigger- so it never really feels messy.
i'm wearing a pony tail and sweats...  a good reason to relax?!
oh, sometimes i wish i could just freeze today-
i always want to remember these lazy days of summer!

lily and eve enjoyed a lazy bathtime.
how i LOVE these little girls.
my sweet, big girl.
lily says, "mom, can i pet her?"
ugh.  sweet, baby... can you see her birthmark?  on her elbow.
and, i looked out my window and saw a mother dear, with her two babies.
even a mother doe knows that this is a perfect day to enjoy our little ones!
i love lazy days...


  1. LOVE Eve's adorable painted toenails. :)

    And....what's that brain game called? Sounds like something my J would LOVE!

  2. Love it all. Makes me miss home (Oregon) so very much. Green, moss, rain, green, 70 degrees in the summer, slugs. I love it. I'm glad you are happy and thriving there. And SUPER love the baby rolls!!

  3. By the way... this whole spending-the-month-of-august-every-year-in-idaho thing is REALLY boring for me! I miss your posts! :-)

  4. Hey jen, will you email me your new email address? i can't find where your hubby wrote it down for me. :) Thanks!

  5. Did I miss something? Are you really "gone" all month? I'm missing your posts as well!!! Well.... wherever you are, enjoy! :)


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