July 18, 2011

what i do.

we went to church yesterday, and I instantly loved our new congregation.
i'm intrigued by the families that surround me.
i know that someday, these people will be a part of me.
right now the people are all blurred together in my mass meeting.
someday, they will feel like my family,
i wonder who i have already met, that will change my life for the better?

i was caught off guard meeting a young mother who has kids the same ages of some of my kids.
(when you have lots of kids, EVERYONE has a kid about the same age as yours...)
this girl asked, "what does your husband do?"
i explained again, "he is a professor at OSU, that's why we moved here."
her husband worked at the university also.
and then she asked, "and what do you do?"

i stumbled.
"i, uh... nothing. i stay at home.  what do you do?"
she explained that she recently lost 50 lbs and was now a healthy living life coach on her way to a business conference in Florida.
as she explained her work to me, I was remembering my own answer "nothing, i stay at home" and wishing i could try again..
i stay at home?!
even if i added, "i'm so LUCKY!!  I get to stay home with my children."
or "i do laundry."
that would have been better.
but, nothing?!???

what do i do?
why, thank you for asking.

i am...
a teacher.
a child development consultant.
a household manager.
an assistant professor.
an occupational therapist.
a child psychologist.
a minister.
a nurse.
a wet nurse.  :)
a chef.
a marriage counselor.
a writer.
a financial consultant.
a maid.
hey, i'm a healthy living life coach too!

i'm a mother, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a friend.
i create babies.
i create home.
i create love.
i create harmony and peace and order and fun.

i almost NEVER do NOTHING.
and, i don't stay at home... much.
i do...
serve and love and stretch and learn... every day.
i work.  hard.
i get paid.  lots.
i'm doing.  every day.
in fact, what DON'T i do?
and, even if i did work outside the home... i wouldn't want that to be what i did.

what do you do?
i SAVE THE WORLD, one child at a time.
i'm a super hero.
i create.
could you imagine if i had really said that?
next time...
i unpack boxes, and feed a baby, and converse with my tweens, and decide where on earth i should put the coloring books.
want to see another picture of my house?  ok.
life is good.


  1. As usual, exactly how I feel, but u can put in words, and so eloquently.

  2. amazing post, Jen. I agree with Laura. I am so excited for you guys. Moving is hard but such a fun adventure, too.

  3. I like the super-hero response best.
    "And what do you do?"
    "Oh, I'm pretty much a super-hero..."

    (I think I may actually have to use that! :-))


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