August 24, 2011

subway art quilt.

my beautiful cousin and her husband just adopted a DARLING little guy.
i'm so happy for them!
little colston is just a few weeks younger than eve... and i FINALLY finished the baby quilt that i'm going to send her.
want to see it?

my cousin and her husband met and dated in new york city.
i thought subway art would be a fun way to welcome their new little baby.
it felt so good to sew again... it's been a long time.
i hope they love it and feel my love everytime they let little Colston drool all over it!!


  1. That quilt is awesome! I think your pictures have convinced me to move to Oregon - fruit that grows on trees with a bunch of green stuff around them (what is it, grass? bushes?), and water that doesn't just come from the faucet? :) Awesome. Congratulats to Ellie too - we missed having her baptism here, and miss seeing your kids in Primary.

  2. Love this!! I miss our sewing times :):) So wonderful to see you getting settled.

  3. That is WAY cool of you to do that...when I am adopted, I hope you make a quilt for me, too.

  4. Totally awesome quilt! (almost as awesome as the one you made for us... hee! :-))

  5. You sure are one talented lady. I'm totally in love with this quilt!!!

  6. Such an awesome idea! I love a personalized gift. Genius!


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