August 31, 2011

wannabe farm girl.

my oregon friend, amy, has quail.
quail and bees and three cute kids (hallie, marshall and milo).
i love them, i love their life.
my girls took turns holding the quail.
the quail got away...
anna screamed and grabbed the getaway...
amy said it was a sign of a true farm girl-- anna held tight despite the flapping.
hmm... maybe we need some quail?!
they do make the cutest eggs...

have i told you i'm a wannabe farm girl too?

let me re-phrase that-- i'm a "I THINK I wannabe a farm girl"...
as in, I read Little House in the Big Woods many times as a young girl...
Oh, isn't oregon fun?!


  1. Yes, Oregon is fun. All your posts make me miss it. I'm glad you guys are happy there. Love the look on Anna's face as she's holding the flapping quail! :)

  2. And thank you for the sweet comment on my blog. Made me feel good. :)


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