September 22, 2011

eve- 5 months

have you seen the movie, "Master of Disguise"?
we call eve, "the cuteness", named after pistachio's dog.
she really is the Cuteness.
eve is busy, and active.
on the ground she rolls and squirms all the way across the room.
she loves plastic bags (i KNOW, "this is not a toy").
she loves open mouthed kisses.
she wore her first ponytail this month, although i probably could have put her hair in a pony when she was born.
she still eats 4 times a night.
but, after she eats she goes back to sleep in her crib.
she takes good naps during the day and wakes up happy and cooing in her crib.
she is very noisey.  ahhhhhhhhhh and maaaaaammmaaaaaaammaaaa.
we had to take her out of sacrament meeting because she was so talkative (it's really cute, just not quiet).

she likes to play with my mouth when she nurses or falls asleep. 
if you hold her in a cradle hold, immediately, she sticks one hand in the air.
i always have little cuts near my lips because of her little nails.
sometimes, when she is laying by me, her little hand is straight up in the air, waiting for me to kiss it.
she sticks her hand in my mouth, or pinches my lips.
she is SO kissable and very happy.
eve is funny to nurse.  funny, not really fun.
she sucks and cries, sucks and cries, until my milk lets down.
when she is nursing, she often stops and smiles at me or stops and looks around.
when i'm in the rocking chair her feet rest on the arm rest.
as she sucks she kicks, to the rhythm... suck, kick, suck, kick, suck kick...
she's squirmy and funny and very smiley.
often people tell me i have the cutest baby they have ever seen.
i'm sure she is!!  :)

eve is too smart for multi-tasking.
she loves to be the center of all my smiles and attention.
she hates when i hold her and try to do something else.
she screams if i ever sit down at the computer while i'm holding her.
and, as happy as she is most of the time...  when she is falling asleep or wanting to nurse when i think she's finished, she cries so hard-- it's like pushing out a scream.
my favorite thing about her is her funny "i'm hungry cry"
she coughs... over and over... right before i nurse her.
someone said, "i wonder if she has allergies."
i laughed... nope.  she's just a funny, funny girl.

don't you want to eat her?
oh, how i LOVE every minute of this child.


  1. She IS so cute and adorable and is getting so big. Babies are so much fun. I am seeing some of Ellie in her now.

  2. She is adorable! I laughed out loud picturing the "suck kick." Isaac likes to take a break to look around, too, and LOVES to try to rip my nursing cover off when we're in public. Oh, how I love babies!!!!!

  3. She is adorable! I laughed out loud picturing the "suck kick." Isaac likes to take a break to look around, too, and LOVES to try to rip my nursing cover off when we're in public. Oh, how I love babies!!!!!


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