September 06, 2011


i read a great quote last night, that reminded me of our search for waterfalls.
"If you are on the right path it will always be up hill!!"
Elder Eyring's mother
we have been hiking a lot lately.
we realized that if we are looking for a waterfall, we will need to climb a mountain.
isn't that just like life?
today, our school starts.
today, i am climbing a bit of a hill...  we are busy and life is full.
it is just as it should be.
have a great day!!

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous!
    Such a good reminder . . .
    always uphill, but with lots of pretty things to see along the way--as long as you choose to look up and around, instead of at your feet.
    Note to self: LOOK UP!!
    Love ya!


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