November 17, 2011

fall crafts with kids.

it's getting cold outside...
i can feel the change of the seasons in the rythem of my life.
we aren't picking and canning and exploring.
we are home, creating and reading.
one of my favorite things i have been doing lately is putting my kids to bed at different times.
the littlest girls go to bed first, and then i take some time with my middle girls, and then i take some time with my boys.
while the professor is reading to the younger girls, i have time to spend with anna and ellie (age 9 and 10).
they learned to knit in a church activity, and have been excited to work on their projects each night.
i taught ellie to crochet-- after an unfortunate accident with her knitting needles (being thrown across the room).
ellie fits better with crochet.
especially because anna is knitting.
the life of a 16 month younger sister.

drew wanted a project of his own... and he's taking off.
if i tell the truth, both jakob and drew sit cuddling with us while I read scriptures- from the Old Testament children's scripture books, and then chapters from The Little House on the Prairie. 
(i'm just reading a quick scripture story because i sometimes worry that my middle kids MISSED the stories because we study more in-depth with the big boys these days... i love those little story books to show us the whole picture.)
and, such a calm way to end our busy days.
when the kids say, "Just one more chapter mom."  I want to read them one.  because I'm enjoying myself.
Can you believe I said that? 
I'm beginning to ENJOY BEDTIME.
This, has been a LONG, LONG, LONG, LONG awaited victory.
(bedtimes have NEVER been my favorite time of day.)

The only problem... all their crafting has made me YEARN to feel that yarn in my fingers.
It's calling me.
The whole time I read yesterday I was contemplating finding "The Little House" books on cd so my hands would be free.
But, oh how i love holding those books at night.
We'll see...

Ellie has always talked a lot about her day.
as in, everything her friends may or may not say about/to her.
she asked them if they think crochet is for grannies.
the ones she doesn't like said YES.
the ones she does like said NO.
she's speeding through her crotchet because her list of friends to crotchet orange and black Beaver scarves for is growing daily.
her first finished project is for leah, because red is her favorite color.
but, i really want that scarf. 
i LOVE it. 
I love every stitch of the fact that it is her FIRST EVER finished crochet project.
someday, i will find it and stash it away forever to show her daughters when i'm teaching them to knit scarves for their little sisters.
i love that girl.

I helped a friend with the wall hanging..
Her son just got home from a mission and she wanted to send a gift to Peru for the Mission President's wife.
i wish i got a better picture.  The back is striped.  It's darling.
i love this cat.  it came home from school with anna.  it's cute huh?!!
 i can't get enough of little kid art.  i love it.  i found these after one play date.
  my kids think "Cake Boss" every time the play-doh comes out.
 jakob went to his friend's house and came back with a hand painted t-shirt.
cute, huh?!
 love, love, love these guys!!
Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Reminds me of my Nana's crochet lessons, only after she totally GAVE UP on me EVER learning to knit! (I really believe that is the only thing EVER that she claimed defeat!) Yes, good memories to cherish.
    Can I just say how much I love hearing Moss Stories and seeing your darling photos! I'm lovin' your family, Jen!

    p.s. Todd... my boys never got to try out any of your suggestions for meals while they were in Lubbock. The congregation just kept bringing more & more food to them! Love those people!


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