November 04, 2011

new friends.

we're making many new friends here... but, we're not so good with names.
one little guy came over, his name is Dunkin-- and he is SO cute.
Leah said, "I know a song about you... diddle diddle DUMPkin my son john, went to bed with his trousers on." 
That same kid had a little/BIG accident all over our downstairs bathroom.
My bid kids love to refer to him as Dumpkin.
poor guy.
Then, yesterday another friend watched my girls while i was at the dentist.
She was also watching a cute, cute girl named Madyx.
Lily said, clear as day, "Mom, I shared my fruit snacks with Maggot."
i laughed.

Oh, my kids are a pregnant mother's nightmare.
sorry about the pronounciation issues... we're working on that!

{these pictures are from a sunday after dinner game of scripture charades-  can you guess the stories from the pictures?} 


  1. oh, i miss a good Moss game night. does that happento be a rachel ure inspired circle head family picture? if so, i am flattered and love it. if not i still love it and I am glad that great minds think alike

  2. rachel- YES!! totally! we copied you and it turned out SO cute! During conference we each painted family portraits. i showed jakob your blog and said, wouldn't it be cute to copy her? he did a great job, and I LOVE IT!! So, thanks for the idea. Your copy right fees are in the mail! love you!

  3. i love your friends new names! game night sure looks like a lot of fun.


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