November 27, 2011

thanksgiving 2011.

we had enough food for our whole town.

we spent the day with
the ericksons- 7 kids, grandma beth, dave and ines.
the haslems- 6 kids, julia, wade and lori
the mooneys- 3 kids, chris and courtney
and ben
total eating thanksgiving dinner- 33
fun times, good food, good people.
then we drove out to our friends, the collyers and spent friday and saturday.
12 kids under 12.
they played, we played.
lots of board games, some kickball, some movies, some raking leaves.
it was just a fun weekend to relax and be with good people.

i love to watch other mothers interact with their kids.
this weekend i am recommitted to be a calming influence over my children.
to be a quiet worker in my home.
to serve more.
to whine less.
i'm so grateful for the good examples that i have surrounding me.
i'm head over heals into planning christmas.
i missed having family nearby... but, i'm thankful for friends that feel like family.
life is good.

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