February 08, 2012

on a jet plane...

baby emma, waiting for aunt jen.
did i tell you that anna, eve and i are headed to DC to love on my newest niece?
(oh, and my sister, and her husband, and my nephew.)
isn't it fun that i get to bring anna?!!
my angel husband is holding down the fort- with five kiddos.
i had grand plans of leaving with a super organized home, meal plans, outfits picked complete with hair bows, a surprise fun thing to do each day...
it didn't happen.
{i did manage a bag of surprises for the little girls, valentines and treats for the big kids, and homemade granola.)
but, the truth is, i'm leaving him with a bit of a mess.
for ten days.
how grateful i am for that man.
i honestly think that he is a better homemaker than i am.
i just keep whispering to him, "Please love leah.  Leah and Ellie need your loving kindness."
and i keep praying, "Help him to get his work done while he's at home with toddlers."
he has some deadlines coming up and is going to be trying to work from home.
heaven help him.

todd and i will try to post every now and then.
but, if not...
have a great week!
i know i will!
oh, cute baby!!

1 comment:

  1. Hope you have a fun trip with your girls... :) What a darling little baby waiting for special Auntie Hugs! It doesn't get much better than that!
    Thank you, Jen, for your thoughts and prayers for my Mom. Tough time for sure.

    Hi Todd!


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