March 14, 2012


Bronchitis x4 and counting Loads of laundry waiting for me >7 Meals I don't want to cook <100 Trips to the grocery store I wish would magically happen = 1 Trips to pick kids up and drop them off this afternoon x7 Times Todd left work early or went in late the past week >4 kids I want to keep 2/7 (rotating) Things that make me cranky... (-unkind phone conversations with people in my family) + (-hearing that the "reason" my dad has no relationship with me is because when I send him chrismas gifts I address the box to him in care of my aunt and uncle whom he lives with) + ( -the fact that I still CARE what they think) + (-politics) boxes of bunk beds sitting in my front entry way x2 Piles of books waiting to be put on my new cute green bookshelves x69 Blessings I should be counting instead of whining... 1000^2 belief that tomorrow will be a better day 100% Times I have wished I was one of those girls that never got down, came from a perfect family, didn't complain, loved laundry, never got sick, knew how to make a rockin jello salad... =1,000,000,000 I am very blessed and just a bit wheezy... I know this is a post I should just pass on... And yet I let you see my dirty laundry so you either a)think your husband is pretty lucky, b)think everybody has bad days, c)are glad you're not me, or d)see what a big wimp I am and work a little bit harder writing your "smiley" blogs Have a great day! I'm going to go read stories to my sick girls... If we can find them... In the piles... On the floor...


  1. Oh, those days happen, even (not) in Australia! My Stake President gave a great message the other day about how the storms of life are just that--storms. Which means that they come, stay a little while, and then leave. Some leave quite a wake, but the storms never ever stay forever. It will get better, faster than you think :o). Hang in there!

  2. If you can find the girls or the books in the piles on the floor? :) Hope tomorrow is better!

  3. Thanks for keeping it real. I love reading your blog. When a new post from you pops up on my reader I usually save it for last...that's a good thing :)
    Hope you get feeling better fast.


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